Dev-Log 1.0

It's now less than two weeks until the Florida Poly Game Expo, and we're so excited to show off Elemental Isles!

One of our biggest challenges was ensuring smooth interactions between different element types. With players using elemental attacks and enemies having type advantages and disadvantages, we needed an organized and consistent system. To address this, we utilized Unity's tag system, categorizing in-game objects first by their role (e.g., player or enemy) and then by their element, such as "Fire Bullet" for the player or "Enemy Ice Projectile." By leveraging tags for interactions and using a single variable to manage damage calculations, we developed an effective solution.


Elemental Isles will be published and presented at the Florida Polytechnic Game Expo on December 7th, 2024 on campus in the IST building top floor. Can't wait to see you all there!

Florida Polytechnic Game Expo

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